Launching OnFinality’s Website Refresh

3 min readSep 20, 2021

We here at OnFinality are excited to announce our fresh new website design. Websites are essential for success, just like how you might judge a book by its cover, websites are essential to help new customers understand who we are and what we do at the first glance.

We have completely redesigned our website for three main reasons. Firstly we’ve completely rewritten the content to better explain what we do, why we do it, and how we do it. We’ve also overhauled the design to match our recently refreshed brand that is bolder and more captivating. Lastly, we’ve added more relevant information about our company vision and the team behind it so you know who you’re trusting to host your production infrastructure.

OnFinality is always striving to be a customer centric company. Our old design was dated, failed to consider the needs of our customers, and struggled to quickly communicate our values. We’re completely rewritten the content from a blank slate though a values-based content design. Rather than just listing features, we start with what is important to our customer segments, and then work back to show how OnFinality’s features solve these problems and help our customers with their pain points.

Our UI design process went through five steps which gives us the opportunity to create user-centered design and successfully consider value based marketing principles.

“User-centered design is key — It’s always important to understand who and how people will use our products. Without this understanding, there is no way of creating a product people will love. I like this Frank Chimero quote ‘People ignore design that ignores people’’ — Cassie Wang, UX Designer at OnFinality

Step 1: Empathise

The goal during this stage is to understand who we design for. Creating customer personas are a good way to help represent a particular group of people with similar behavior, needs, goals, and attitudes. This understanding allowed us to make the right decisions about product features, navigation, visual design, and much more.

Step 2: Define

The next step was to define these insights identified in the Empathise stage, we looked to define our users needs, problems, and insights. Once again, this process is to have a better understanding of exactly what our users need before we start looking to provide what we think they need.

Step 3: Ideate

Based on the previous two steps we then looked to ideate various different design options making sure to consider the user with every decision made.

Step 4: Prototype

After going through the ideation process we looked to prototype specific designs we think best reflect the needs of our users and best solve the problems they have.

Step 5: Test

The final stage of our process was to test the prototypes we had designed. This allowed us to ensure that the changes we have made are effective.

We hope you enjoy the website as much as we do! Take a look today at

About OnFinality

OnFinality is a SaaS platform that provides infrastructure and developer tools that saves developers hours and allows you to grow with confidence. Our mission is to help blockchain and dApp developers build the decentralised future faster.

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Written by OnFinality

OnFinality empowers Web3 developers with easy-to-use, reliable and scalable blockchain infrastructure. Build smarter with

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